
Whatever it is you transport, you’ll understand how important it is to get things delivered on time and with minimal fuss.

But the journey from A to B isn’t always a smooth road.

Mistakes can happen and surprises can occur which is why Transport insurance is essential to any successful haulage business.

Country road at sundown
Lots of traffic on variable speed motorway

What is Transport Insurance?


Collecting, delivering and transporting can be a dangerous game.

The bigger your company is, the bigger the risk of incidents occurring, and with an ever-increasing demand, a successful haulage company may come to rely on its insurance policy.

Transport Insurance looks to protect you when you and your drivers are out on the road.

Fulwood Insurance Services can help you in finding appropriate insurance that responds perfectly to the needs of your business.

What does the cover include?


Before we offer you an insurance policy, it’s crucial for us to get to know your company. Our quick assessment enables us to provide a policy suited to your requirements. This could include cover for;

  • Goods in transit which protects what’s in the back of the van
  • Business interruption
  • Employers’ and public liability
  • Extensive European cover


So whether you’re a small fleet of vans operating a tight ship or a larger team of truckers, our team at Fulwood Insurance Services can equip your business with everything it needs to make getting to your destination that one bit easier.

Get a quote

Policy benefits

Cover for the goods you transport whilst in transit

Protect against any loss of revenue you may suffer

Extensive European cover to encourage spreading your wings

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